About Me

I grew up in the suburbs of New Jersey where I fell in love with the written word at an early age. I used books to fight off my childhood insomnia and filled journals with stories, spells, poems, and songs.

I earned a Bachelor of the Arts from Sarah Lawrence College and went on to pursue an MFA in Poetry from Drew University where I studied under Alicia Ostriker, Michael Waters, Judith Vollmer, and Sarah Vap.

Since 2020, I’ve served as the inaugural poetry editor at Fatal Flaw Magazine where I seek to promote poetry that challenges traditional conventions of form and content.

In my own work, you’ll find poems full of witchcraft, feminism, ferocity, and tenderness. Themes I’m recurrently drawn to include womanhood, religion, identity, gender, healthcare, domesticity, and ancestral history. I often engage with archetypal female figures including the virgin, the witch, and the monstrous feminine.

My debut poetry book, To Love a Fierceness So Bright, is forthcoming from Nymeria Press in 2025. My work has been nominated for Best of the Net and has appeared in Rogue Agent, Coffin Bell, OyeDrum, Mom Egg Review, Ethel Zine, Miniskirt Magazine, and elsewhere.